LANGUAGE: Languages used for the training: English, but many languages for 6+ groups. The language of the course can be arranged according to the characteristics of the groups in English, German, Italian, Spanish and Turkish.
Number of Training Days: 5 Days
Lessons per week: 30 English Language Lesson
Duration: 09:00-15:00 for a day
Length and fees:
Class Size: Maximum 20 Language level: A1/A2
Suitable for: School administrators, school staff, teachers and Everyone
Education has been immensely affected by the on-going digitalisation of everything the COVID-19 pandemic leashed upon the world. With schools closing down and universities moving exclusively into remote learning, teachers and professors, as well as pupils and students, have found themselves working in completely new circumstances.
In many countries, the spread of COVID-19 is currently somewhat under control. Consequently, some schools may be reopened and other educational activities resumed. However, we have not seen the end of the pandemic yet. Come next term, some difficult choices will have to be made regarding how teaching will be carried out.
In order to make sense of where the world of education is headed, it is first important to identify the trends that were already emerging before the pandemic hit.
According to Marianna Mäki-Teeri, digitalisation of learning was progressing at a speed even before the pandemic, particularly in the field of higher education.
“Ever since the turn of the millennium, the amount of open online courses, as well as remote degrees, have become common offerings of many top universities as well as public and private educational institutions. There has been an increasing amount of initiatives to use technology to make learning more effective,” she says.
Examples of such technology include machine learning and, in the field of remote education, telepresence. Additionally, the importance of data was gaining foothold in education, both in terms of programme contents and also in how it can be used to improve learning.
“The COVID-19 pandemic has pushed students and teachers alike into the digital era, regardless of their interest, skills or level of education.”
The main aim of the course is to help teachers to understand the importance of new education and improve their skills. Participants will be familiarized with the impact they can have on children by learning science in a fun and innovative, yet educational manner. They will learn how to boost children imagination and natural gift of questioning, by implementing scientific way of thinking and science methodology in their work. As our goal is also to help children to find ways to make STEAM education a fun pathway to children school life. In addition, and a precious tool in their educational street and life.
METHODS: Lectures, exercises, discussions, teamwork, role-playing, study visits
– Science
– Technology
– Covid-19 pandemic process and education in future
– Characteristic improvement Self-reliance and explanation
PROGRAM (Training activities):
– PPT slides
– Discussions
– Evaluating
– Sharing thoughts and ideas with the group
– Sightseeing and the school visits
After confirming registration, participants will be informed about the details of the course (arrival, daily program). Participants will be able to introduce themselves and bring a few examples of routines and practices that they apply to their teaching.
Module 1: The new system education
Module 2: Integration of technology this education
Module 3: Self- reliance and other characteristic improvements
Module 4: Improvement of critical thinking and reaching academical success
The acquisitions that teachers will gain at the end of the course will be as follows:
- They will discover how the create self-learning and AI Interface
- They will motivate themselves for future education and intelligent users of technology
- They will learn both practicing scientific and artistic methods in lesson times
1st DAY
- Welcome to the participants
- A quick introduction to the course
- Why this education is necessary?
Coffee Break - Introduction to hyper-individualized education
- Pedagogy for children and learning of self-learning
- Learning of home-focused research
- Learning about AI teacher bot
Coffee Break Professional development and social networking
- Mentoring and Fostering connections
- The power of Media and education at home in online platforms
- Zoom and eTwinning; How education can be carried out in these platforms, their contributions to the worldwide education
Coffee Break - Discussion
- Creating Value to our future
- Inspire other people about becoming futurists in their business lives
Coffee Break - The relationship between Futurism and the Technology
- Discussion
- Primitive teaching methods and changing into new education: New Sensibility
- Techniques for creating a need-analysis map and adapting process to the future education
Coffee Break
- Sharing ideas for creating a sample curriculum for future-focused education and T-Human
- Transition from Teaching to Learning
Coffee Break - Discussion
(09:00-15:00) - Learning Drivers, shapes and adapts to the future connections and researchs
- Distributing certificates
CERTIFICATIONS: At the end of the course; Participants will take “Certificate of Participant“, “Europass Mobility Certificate“, “Staff Mobility Agreement” and “International Academy Invoice” certificates.