LANGUAGE: Languages used for the training: English, but many languages for 6+ groups. The language of the course can be arranged according to the characteristics of the groups in English, German, Italian, Spanish and Turkish.
Number of Training Days: 10 Days
Lessons per week: 30 English Language
Lesson Duration: 09:00-15:00 for a day
Length and fees:
Class Size: Maximum 20
Language level: A1 / A2
Suitable for: School administrators, school staff, teachers and everyone
There are some peer’s violence and bullies raising among schools in the modern world. These are generally come from the students who do not have a tolerance each other. The ones who have more power than others may show more violent reactions in the school ambiance to show their supremacies. Every student has a potential to be violent, and they have their own histories in the background. Sometimes, their bullies can go through abusive behaviors.
In this point, teachers should not react to them in a bad way. They should turn this violence into opportunity. Namely, the student who is violent, suffers from some kinds of conflicts in their minds. In order to do this, they should develop some practical approaches and these should be emphatically. So, in the end of their individual improvement, these bullying students should turn into active citizens.
There are more kinds of aggressions in children abide by their ages. So, teachers should improve effective approaches for their bullying and their violence.
In the end, these students have well-beings, cooperation to each other with their peers, and they should have sense of belongings in the society.
• To increase the students’ empathetic feelings, their enthusiasm, and their self-confidence
• To improve teachers’ pedagogic knowledge
• To create a peaceful environment to solve the chaos existed among peers in schools
• To increase the social skills of the students in schools
• To analyze the construction of the relationships of the peers in schools-To analyze the imbalance of the powers of the peers that they have in schools
• To create the positive peer relationships in schools
• To prevent the negative peer relationships in schools
• To provide the peers’ support to each other in schools
• To give information and acknowledge parents about this issue in schools
• To reach the students’ communication skills and create a positive relationship with them
• To identify and analyze the negative and positive family factors in terms of their ages
• To identify and analyze their social skills with its all terms
• To direct them for creating better relationships
• To help them to have positive social behaviors
• To recognize the situation earlier, to protect it before it reaches worse conclusions.
• To learn the kinds of conflicts existed in peers in schools, researching upon them and analyzing.
• To write a sociologic position report
• To reach and analyze the reactions of the victims against these bullies
The course is contented with the psychologies of the students who are bullying each other in schools. First, their background and psychology in their bullies should be reached and analyzed. Then, some methods and techniques will be developed in order to solve the conflicts existed the inner side of the students who is bullying.
There are many factors to show bully in schools both in their early age and their adolescence age for students. Therefore, teachers and trainers should learn how to empathy with them. In order to reach that level, they should also be given information and they should gain experiences about this terrorism and bullying. The reasons for their attacking should have a background in their own. So, all of the reasons, stories and all of the factors to bully for a student will be identified, discussed, analyzed and other methods and techniques will be tried to create in this KA1 education course.
Lectures, exercises, discussions, teamwork, role-playing, study visits
– The bullying students in schools
– Terrorism
– Victims of bully and tyrants
– Preventing and ending them
– More peaceful school ambiances
– Harmony
– Equality
PROGRAM (Training activities):
- PPT slides
- Discussions
- Evaluating
- Sharing thoughts and ideas with the group
- Sightseeing and the school visits
After confirming registration, participants will be informed about the details of the course (arrival, daily program). Participants will be able to introduce themselves and bring a few examples of routines and practices that they apply to their teaching.
Module 1 : Psychological effects to show bullying in the schools
Module 2 : How to empathy with these students
Module 3 : Creating a more harmonic, peaceful environments in schools
Module 4 : Helping students in creating social skills between each other and how to approach positively towards their peers
The teachers will have been experienced and they will gain acquisitions at the end of this program. These are:
– They will learn about how to direct their students in a more peaceful ambiance
– They will able to create strategies about how to deal with obstacles related to bullying
– They will teach feelings of empathy and love to their students
– They will learn about turning the students’ negative thoughts into positives
– They will also learn about how to teach their students showing respect each other in the society
– They will learn about how to regulate their education systems to the European educational standards, and they will have more easily to motivate their students.
– At the end of these positive approaches, they will have the abilities to reduce the stress levels in their schools in terms of creating more peaceful ambiances and environments.
1st DAY
- Welcome to the participants
- A quick introduction to the course
Coffee Break - The problem of school bullying
- Methodology and finding about the issue in general means
- Discussion
2nd DAY
- Talking about the psychology about the bullying peers, especially the ones who are in their adolescence ages
- Reading the academic essays about the bullying peers in schools
Coffee Break - Introduction of the school policies in Europe countries about bullying
- How to tackle with it throughout the curriculum?
- Discussion
3rd DAY
- The methodology of the steps that should be taken for the bullies in schools will be discussed
- An introduction for the techniques and methods with the psychological analyzes
Coffee Break - Encouraging students how to take positive actions against bullying
- Preventing bullying in schools in junior schools
- Discussion
4th DAY
- Introducing the types and conflicts of bullies in schools
- How to recognize the students who are bullying to each other
Coffee Break - Creating attractive school environments to prevent them bullying against their peers
- Talking directly to students and solving techniques
- Discussion
5th DAY
- Introducing the family factor and parents’ roles in bullying their children
- Analyzing and how to solve them
Coffee Break - Their specialized needs and communication skills
- The direct aspects of this bullying peer’s education
- Discussion
6th DAY
- Methodologies about how to develop a school policy against bullying
- How to implement this policy
Coffee Break - The role of teachers and principles in their bullying behavior
- How can we develop relationships with them?
- Discussion
7th DAY
- Evaluation
- Distribution of the certificates
- Goodbye
CERTIFICATIONS : At the end of the course; Participants will take a “Certificate of Participant”, “Europass Mobility Certificate”, “Staff Mobility Agreement” and “EduCore International Training Invoice” certificates.